You Can Make Your Own Free XsitePro Templates

Since XsitePro is one of the easiest site builders available on the market, there has always been the problem of the XsitePro “footprint”. This is because most xsitepro templates and websites pretty much look the same, and this is made worse by people who use the templates that come free with the program and do not change them at all.

This is always a mistake, and only a newcomer to the world of internet marketing would use the same template that thousands of other people have.

It is fairly easy to build your own site with the new Xsite Pro, using paid or free software that is available to all or software.

Plus the sense of satisfaction at looking at a web site that you have created is second to none in the world! Of course, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and you don’t want a web site that nobody ever sees, either. You want to remember that many people who can make up great websites on their own do not because they prefer to work on things that they feel confident or expert in, like article writing or keyword research, and leave the graphics part of it to people who are experts in that field.

Of course, there are lots of free XsitePro templates out there, but usually, they are not all that attractive, and have the maker’s link permanently embedded into the site. To create a nice site does not take all that long, you just need a few guidelines. Look around at other sites and see what it is you like, and then you can use them as a basis for your own site.

We need a template to start out our new site, and usually people use Photoshop to make slices to be used in XsitePro. There are many tutorials on how to use Photoshop, just Google it

After you are happy with your header, go to the side panels, making sure that they match nicely in color with the header colors.

Now, you have to make sure that everything fits together nicely, so make sure your slices are as follows: Header should be 160 by 700 pixels; the footer should be 60 by 130. The Panels, both right and left, should be 65 by 500, and the Main Body 65 by 500.

Of course, these are just basics, and you can do many other things with different sizes and with the XsitePro Preview, it is easy to see what they look like before you publish on the web.

Importing your new site into XsitePro is a snap. Create you project, then new website; click the page layout, and then start importing your new information. The page layout is the key to this; make sure you watch all the videos at Xsitepro main site.

Another thing that people do is take an existing template and “fiddle” around with it, making a new and unique template up that way.

Of course, if you are more interested in letting the experts handle creating Extraordinary Websites, Templates and Graphics so you can get down to actually creating and publishing websites, then check out my limited time offer at

XsitePro: A New Webmasters Dream Web Building Program

XsitePro is a powerful but simple to use web site building software. It has excellent design documentation: a detailed manual, interactive tutorial, online knowledgebase and forum.  Xsite Pro is without a doubt the most powerful web site creation and management software you will find.  It has an excellent way of handling multiple websites and has a number of tools that will assist with amongst other things; The XSitePro 2 has SEO ready content management.  XSitePro 2 offers much more than website builder functions and will help you succeed in the competitive world of internet marketing.  This amazing program now gives everyone more ability to build websites than even experienced webmasters had 4 years ago.

CHeck out these stunning designs that will rocket you to the next tax bracket at the XsitePro Template Web Company has made a specially designed set of web sites and templates that are designed to be not only very Web 2.0 friendly, but fully  SEO optimized. Check out our XsitePro Templates review for more information on these great templates  that you can have up in minutes flat!

Launching XsitePro Designs this weekend

Am getting ready to launch this weekend. I think it is a great deal, really like the designs myself. The guys have outdone themselves with the xsitepro templates they made. Will keep updated

Software and Traffic

People Love Software and Why That Matters

People love software.  They like games.  They like tools.  They love little applications and its hard to find too many people around these days who don’t have at least a few toolbars installed on their web browser.

You knew that already.  What you’re wondering is why that matters with respect to building and growing virtual real estate.  Here’s a rundown of how you can make software work for you.

Imagine the traffic you could get if your site was the contact point for downloading a tool.  Think about the backlinks you could generate to your site if a software product was listed at all of the major download sites–carrying your site’s link with it on every one.  Think about how many subscribers to your list you could get by offering free access to a program in exchange for a sign up.

Are you seeing the potential here?  There are many ways to leverage the popularity of software to your site’s advantage.  If you can code (or hire someone to code) a tool that fits your niche, you can expect to profit tremendously.

Come and see our new site at

How To Get Traffic

Drip, Drip, Drip… The Value of Consistent Content

Do you know what search engines like? They like content. Search engine spiders can’t resist sinking their teeth into juicy, fresh, new content. And their appetites know no limits. The more content, the happier they seem to be.

And if there’s one thing they love more than finding that first heaping helping of content on a piece of virtual real estate, it’s realizing that they can come back for more any time. Google, Yahoo and MSN absolutely adore sites that regularly add new content.

That’s why it makes sense to drip feed your website. That means setting up a mechanism that will automatically add preloaded content onto your site at predefined intervals. That’s easy to do with many content management systems and those with “old school” leanings can even do it manually.

The important thing isn’t how it’s done. The important thing is that it is done. If you can make it so your site grows at a steady pace, putting new content into play on a regular basis, you can expect a great deal of love and attention from your friends at the search engines. That, of course, means more traffic. More traffic, more money. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Check out my great new site, My partners and I have made a really great deal for anyone who wants to earn money at home and quit their jobs!